Welcome to the website of the Utility Dxers Forum
The Utility DXers Forum “UDXF” is centered around the exchange of news and information relating to utility radio stations and signals in the range of 0 to 30 MHz.
All stations in the range of 0-30 Mhz are covered on UDXF, with the exception of Broacasting stations, Pirate stations, and Radio Amateur stations. So, if you are listening to the stations mentioned below, then UDXF is the place to be.
- Maritime stations, both coastal stations and ships
- Aeronautical stations, both ground stations and aircraft (voice, HFDL, Selcalls, Volmet, etc.)
- Military stations
- Beacons (NDB, Driftnet beacons, Propagation beacons, Pirate beacons, Hi Frequency beacons, etc.)
- Fax stations
- Numbers stations, diplomatic stations, clandestines and oddities
- Radars (Over-the-Horizon-Radar, Ocean Wave Radar, CODAR, etc.)
- Ionosondes, Chirpsounders
- ALE-systems, Selcall-systems, Tone calls
- Experimental stations
- Standard frequency and time stations
- Utility radio related HAM events, such as the International Lighthouse Weekend, Night of Nights, etc.
Our website about Numbers stations: www.numbersoddities.nl
UDXF forum home page: https://groups.io/g/UDXF