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SPEEDX, WUN, UTNL, EUNL and RCDXC are defunct radio clubs
Worldwide Utility News club (WUN)
WUN was an electronic club for sharing news, information and loggings about Utility (non-broadcast) transmissions on the 0-30 MHz radio spectrum. WUN was founded in January 1995 and was dissolved in April 2006.
Radio Communications DX-Club (RCDXC)
Founded in Sweden in 1961. RCDXC was transferred to Holland in 1967 and retransferred to Sweden in 1972. It was dissolved in the spring of 1990. The club covered mainly Point-to-Point stations.
Society to Preserve the Engrossing Enjoyment of DXing (SPEEDX)
SPEEDX was founded in 1971 and ceased operations in 1995. SPEEDX covered both broadcasting and utility stations.
Utility Newsletter (UTNL)
UTNL was founded in Germany in January 1986 and stopped in May 1996. It covered utility stations that transmitted in the range of 0-30 MHz. Editor: Reinhard Klein-Arendt.
European Utility Newsletter (EUNL)
EUNL was the successor of the UTNL. Founded in April 1997 and stopped in November 2001.
Editor: Andreas Ibold.